FYI: Our SAM site was down a few days due to a virus

Hi Faithful,

Just wanted to explain ourselves.  For about three days this week, our site was down.   It was between January 20th and the 23rd, and we were back up this morning.  Our account was infected with a malware virus, but it’s fixed now.  But, we lost a few days worth of comments.  😦  Lame.  But, Hitler will never take us down!   Thanks for reading and keep participating!


Are you a hugger, SAM?

Japanese don't hug, dogg!

Growing up, my parents didn’t really show much affection.  Though they weren’t shy about showing a lot of anger and disdain at one another!   😛  It was definitely a messed up marriage, and I don’t think I ever saw them kiss or hug.  I think that affected my own way of expressing myself with friends and girlfriends.  I actually express myself naturally with the women I’ve dated, but of course it’s always a little awkward when you’re in courtship.  But, once I was in an official relationship, it just felt right to hold hands, kiss, and hug, etc…

When I was growing up, I was pretty stoic when it came to friends and colleagues.  I grew up in the states, and people here like to hug.  As a guy raised by stoic Asian parents, I felt awkward in these situations.  Continue reading