I’m Dreaming of an Asian Christmas!


sexy asian santa girl

Merry Xmas SAMs! If Santa looked like this, I wouldn't mind sitting on the lap...or vice versa.

Hey, everyone.  The year is winding down, and the city streets are lined with colored lights, and red and green decorations.  It’s Christmas time!  I really enjoy the nostalgic atmosphere of Christmas.  The old Christmas standards with the smooth, mellow baritones hark back to an older, simpler time.  And, I love the colorful Christmas lights that light up the dark, winter nights.  But, what I want to know is.  How do YOU celebrate Christmas, SAMs?  How do Asian immigrants celebrate this time of year?

Growing up, my family did celebrate Christmas, though we are not Christians.  We were lower middle class financially speaking, so we had a modest amount of presents, nothing to brag about.  Perhaps a few CDs, or a few clothes.  Nothing extravagant, and I never asked for big ticket items knowing our financial situation. 

Older white man seeking love from younger Asian women from Asia

cambodia interracial marriage younger asian girl older white man guy fetish

Really? Really?

So one thing that bothers me is when I see a much younger Asian woman, who can barely speak English, married or dating a much older white guy. This to me, in its entirety, represents all that is wrong such as the exploitation of Asians, the difference in socioeconomic class, race, Asian fetish (yellow fever), and past colonialism and American imperialism. This is quite common among white U.S. military guys who are stationed in Asian countries. But it’s also quite common whereby the older white guy literally moves to an Asian country and shack up with a much younger Asian woman in Asia.

Older white guy’s perspective:
I’m old, have a pot belly, hair is thinning out, divorced, my kids are grown, and I am single, lonely, horny, and ready for love. And I do love Asian women. I’ve got some money saved up and I’m having a hard time getting a date. I’ve looked online for Russian brides but the agencies initial setup fees are very expensive. Oh I know…I’ll go to Southeast Asia and find me a younger poor Asian girl! The U.S. dollar can be stretched so far in Vietnam, Cambodia, or even the Phillipines. And the women there love white foreigners. Here, I’m just a wrinkly old fart but there, I’m motherfuckin rock star.

Younger Southeast Asian woman’s perspective:
I’m unwed, have no kids, dirt poor, live in the rural village, and looking for a husband…a better life, a way out of this peasant hell hole. I can easily marry a fellow poor farmer here but I want a step-up. I want someone with money and who is of a higher status here and elsewhere…such as a Westerner. In their eyes, I’m a princess. I can’t speak English at all and the western foreigner can’t speak my language either. But that’s okay because our love has no boundaries. Everybody around me will be envious of me that I”m with a wealthy westerner.

Check out this article (from NPR News) on interracial marriages in Cambodia:

Cambodia Tries To Curb Foreign Men Seeking Wives

On any given night, foreign visitors throng the many bars, restaurants and hotels overlooking the Tonle Sap River on bustling Sisowath Quay in Phnom Penh, the Cambodian capital. Among them, foreign men accompanied with Cambodian women are a common sight.

Just up the street is Rory’s Pub, where a Celtic cross and a Bushmills whiskey sign hang on the wall.

“It’s really nice here; it’s a very laid-back city,” observes the pub’s owner, 45-year-old Seattle native Chad Foucher. “There’s plenty of things to do. It’s cheap to live here, and I think that’s the draw for people to come here and live.”

Also working behind the bar is Foucher’s 23-year-old Cambodian wife, whom he married last year.

Foucher says that’s a good thing, too, since the government issued new rules governing marriage between foreign men and Cambodian women this spring. They include a minimum monthly salary requirement — which Foucher says he might not have met.

New Rules Aimed At Human Trafficking

In the more than three decades since the fall of the Khmer Rouge, Cambodia’s society has seen vast changes. In traditional Cambodian society, arranged marriages were the norm, divorce was taboo and international marriages were rare.

But the recent surge in international marriages hit a speed bump with the new regulations, which the government says are aimed at preventing human trafficking. Now, the rules say, foreign men who want to marry Cambodian women must be under 50 years old and make more than $2,550 a month.

Cambodia’s Foreign Ministry, which issued the rules, explained it as an attempt to prevent sex trafficking and pedophilia, both of which are serious problems in Cambodia and are exacerbated by widespread, grinding poverty.

The English-language Phnom Penh Post quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Koy Kuong as offering another explanation for the regulation.

“We want people getting married to look like proper couples,” he said, not “like a grandfather and a granddaughter.”

Misguided Strategy?

The phenomenon of older foreign men with younger local women unsettles some Cambodians, including Mu Sochua, a liberal member of parliament, who happens to be married to an American.

“My gut feeling is when I see a difference in age — a very young woman, almost a child, with an older man — in this culture, if he is a foreigner, it’s for sure: She is bought,” Mu says.

That said, Mu opposes the new rule. She believes the best way to help Khmer women is to educate them and empower them to make more informed choices about marriage.

Ou Virak, president of the Cambodian Center for Human Rights, suggests that rather than getting into the business of dictating public morality, the Cambodian government would do better to just enforce existing laws against human trafficking.

“When are we going to police marriage? When are we going to say what couples would look good together?” he asks. “Should the state get into that business? And of course, looking at the past, during the Khmer Rouge when marriages were arranged by the Khmer Rouge, by the state.”

Critics say the new rule simply serves to reinforce women’s traditional powerlessness in choosing a spouse. According to the 2005 Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey, which surveyed nearly 17,000 women across the country, 52 percent of Cambodian women said they did not participate at all in the choice of a husband; 27 percent married a man they had never seen before, or had just met within the past month.

But attitudes among Cambodia’s young are evolving quickly. The wife of bar owner Foucher, Men Soey Leap, says that she doesn’t feel bound by Cambodia’s male-dominated cultural traditions, and when she disagrees with her husband, she lets him know it.

“If my husband wants me to do this, do this, I say, ‘OK, I can do for you,’ ” she says. “But sometimes, no. I think: some good, some not. I can decide.”

Issues Of Enforceability, Unintended Consequences

Foucher doesn’t think much of the rule, and he points out that it will be hard to enforce since couples can just get married overseas, instead of in Cambodia.

“I think it’s kind of stupid because people are going to find a way, if they’re in love, to get married one way or another,” he says.

Ou, the human rights activist, says the rule is inconsistent, because it doesn’t apply to Cambodian men who can marry women of any nationality, age and income range they like.

He adds that the rule could have some absurd consequences.

“What happens if the woman is actually two years younger but the guy is over the 50 age limit?” he asks.

But Phay Siphan, Cambodia’s chief Cabinet spokesman, says critics should not get too exercised about the rule. He says that anyone who doesn’t like it can challenge it in court.

“It doesn’t mean I’m encouraging people to sue my government,” he says. “But Cambodian citizens have a right to go to court to protect their rights, the right to choose anyone as their husband and wife.”

Phay adds that the rule may even be struck down some day as unconstitutional.

Asian Americans bullied the most in the US? How to fight back.

Asian American Flag: Asian Americans Unite and Fight Bullying

Asian Americans Unite and Fight Bullying

Recently very upsetting news reached my ears.  Asian American kids in the U.S. are the most bullied out of all the races.

The research, to be released on Saturday, found that 54 percent of Asian American teenagers said they were bullied in the classroom, sharply above the 31.3 percent of whites who reported being picked on.
The figure was 38.4 percent for African Americans and 34.3 percent for Hispanics, a government researcher involved in the data analysis told AFP. He requested anonymity because the data has not been made public.
The disparity was even more striking for cyber-bullying.
Some 62 percent of Asian Americans reported online harassment once or twice a month, compared with 18.1 percent of whites. The researcher said more study was needed on why the problem is so severe among Asian Americans.  (Full Article)

But, I’m not surprised.  Many immigrant parents come to the states, and spend way too much time focusing on money.  The father is busy running the restaurant, or working in software.  The tiger mom is strict and forcing their kids to get perfect grades, learn piano or violin, and get scholarships.  These kids are so stressed out, all they can do is put their heads down and study hard.  Their social skills suffer, and they have trouble assimilating since the values their parents teach them are incompatible with American society.  They feel alone and embarrassed since they feel no support from the home, and they just can’t seem to fit in at school.   Continue reading

Asian women rarely fall victims to racism and prejudice compared to Asian men


asian racism women men white prejudice gender

"This hardly happens to Asian women"

So I wanted to bring up a topic that I’ve noticed recently. It seems to me that as far as racism, bigotry, or prejudice, Asian women have far less been subject to these things than Asian men. A good example of this is when I was growing up, having just arrived to America, I had to start going to elementary school in a predominantly white neighborhood…the valleys in Cali. And wow, kids can be mean! Or just really honest. Either way, it was a traumatic period in my life and to this day, I think back on it and cringe. Most of Asian American friends (guys only) have gone through the same type of experiences. But the Asian American girls…they have not.

I’ve learned that racism is much more prevalent for Asian men than Asian women. I’ve also learned that racist behavior is done more by non-Asian men than non-Asian women. Perhaps there are just as many racist women out there as racist men but men just tend to be more open, vocal, upfront whereas the women hide it more, keep it to themselves, and publicize it less. Continue reading

5 Reasons More Ladies Should Date Asian Men

handsome asian man - masaharu fukuyama

I don’t know if you can handle us Asian guys…

Asian guys are just like other guys in that they come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities.  American media will try to stereotype us as either geeks or comedians or martial artists, but Asians guys are so diverse and multifaceted.  It’s very apparent if you watch movies or TV shows from Asia.  They can be rebels, funny, romantic, intelligent, mysterious, sensitive, thoughtful, and so much more.

Despite the diversity, I think that there are some common positive traits that Asian guys tend to have due to common cultural influences and upbringing.  Especially since Asian countries tend to focus on community and familial thinking, many of these traits deal with maintaining harmony in relationships.  What that means for the ladies is that Asian guys are good at getting along and they aren’t as self-centered as some American guys.  Here are 5 traits that most Asian men I know exhibit.

1. Hardworking – Asians men are raised with a strong work ethic because many immigrant parents realize that the only way to compete in a foreign country is to work your yellow ass off!   Continue reading

Whatever you do, DON’T LIVE A LIFE OF REGRET, SAM.

Handsome Asian model

Caption: You can have it all

I see these SAMs way too often.  Underachievers.  Just getting by.  Sure, many of them are successful in some aspect of their lives; they have a good career with a good salary.  They have a few loyal SAM friends who gather every Friday and Saturday.  They wear nice threads, and drive a nice car sometimes.  But, they know it, you know it, and everyone knows it; they are missing something in their lives.  Now, I’m not just talking about a woman.  I’m talking about confidence and a positive outlook.  Because, when you have that, you are truly happy and feel in control of life.

Many of us are young, healthy, intelligent, and handsome.  Yet, we settle.  Why?  Because many of us were taught to play it safe, play by the rules, and avoid risks.  Our Asian parents wanted us to succeed so much that they kept us on a predictable, straight and proven path for success. In hindsight, that path didn’t lead to success, and many SAMs who followed that path are living a life of regret.  Money and a degree don’t equate to happiness.  And, without taking risks, life becomes dull and predictable, and you feel no sense of challenge.  There is no rush.  And, if you don’t take risks, you never fail, and therefore you never really learn.

A lot of about what makes people happy is how they interact and feel in society.  How comfortable you are, how open and free you feel, and how connected you feel.  Many AAs are raised in solitude, focusing only on their own well-being, and thus become disconnected and awkward.  I know I felt this, and still do at times.  I was so focused on my studies and work, it was hard for me to develop as a confident man outside of work.  It’s easy to succeed at work because there are roles, and you just fill them and do your tasks.  Out in society, you have to improvise as there is more freedom of expression.  SAMs can sometimes feel awkward because they aren’t used to the lack of structure.  So, they will compensate and be very polite, avoid confrontation, and try to play the role of ‘model minority’.  This is a big mistake since you’re not expressing your true nature, and you essentially repress your true character and charm.  People just see you as the ‘nice guy’, and you blend in with the background like you’re wallpaper. Continue reading

Japanese Porn: Bukkakes, Eels, Squids, and a cup in the middle…

Cute young asian girls in uniforms...so hot...so wrong. A common theme in Jporn.

Caption: Cute young girls in uniforms...so hot...so wrong. A common theme in Jporn.

(Warning: This post is Rated X.)

Porn. What can I say about it? We all love it. In fact, I’d like to refer to it as “Adult Entertainment” and not smut. Porn has acclimated itself and has gained a more mainstream presence in today’s society, pop culture, and adult entertainment. It’s not seen as dirty and perverted anymore. And porn has gone global and has been internationalized across all cultural and racial boundaries, thanks to the Internet. When I was growing up, I only got to see white porn and the occasional “Swedish Eroticas”, which were lame. Then when the internet came, it was like the Pandroa’s box had opened up and all boy’s zippers on their pants opened up as well. The point is, ladies and gentleman, that porn, for lack of a better word, is good, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Porn, in all of its forms, porn for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind.

Having said that, American porn is kind of the norm in the porn industry. But what is up with Japanese porn? It seems they take porn to the next level. You know what I’m talking about: Fishes, squids, cup in the middle, grabbing women in public, groping women in subway trains, bukkake, and other “deviant” acts I won’t utter. Porn is porn, but damn, the Japs take it to some nasty freaky levels that I just don’t see in other countries or cultures…uhh, except the Netherlands. Why is that? Has the normal or common sex practices became commonplace for them? Of all the Asian countries, I think the Japs are the most open about sex and they have the most extreme forms of it. Japanese porn stars in Japan are treated like rock stars and they have a huge following from their fans. I mean, you can buy their soiled panties in vending machines! WTF? All I can buy in vending machines here in America are a bag of Doritos and Oreos. The Japs are sex freaks! In the early days, they just wanted to conquer countries and civilizations and basically put Korea and China through hell. Nowadays, the Japs just want to develop humanlike dolls so lonely men can penetrate and watch little school girls in anime get impaled by monsters with huge monster dicks. What happened?

Sexy hot Jporn star Hiyori Shiraishi

Caption: Sexy hot Jporn star Hiyori Shiraishi

Continue reading

Why are Asian women more open to dating/marrying non-Asian than Asian men?

Interracial couple

“I love Laura Smith but I can’t marry her”

This is so true. It’s one of the main reasons why there’s such a big disparity between the number of Asian woman-White man couples and Asian man-White woman couples. These days, Asian women are open to dating not just white men but Blacks, Latins, Mexicans, Middle Easterns, and little green aliens from outer space. But us Asian men…we prefer Asian women, generally speaking. Not all Asian men but alot. It’s just the way we are I guess. All around us, we see beautiful women from all walks of life – Brazilian, Jewish, Italian, Russian, Czech Republic, and California. But at the end of the day, we want Asian women. Sure, we’d like to sleep with anyone while we’re single, but for marriage purposes, we want Asian. The mother of our children and the woman that we will come to respect, honor, and love, she’s got to be Asian. I have heard of plenty of non-Asian women say, “we broke up because he wanted to marry only Asian.” Meanwhile, many Asian women are much more open to dating and marrying any non-Asians. I’ve heard many Asian men express that they prefer Asian women because of the cultural similarity and familiarity, that they just feel more comfortable with Asian women, and they don’t have to explain things if the women was Asian. I’ve heard they feel it’s important to have their children speak the native Asian language and to have common cultural values and beliefs. Do Asian women not care about these things? Do they just date or marry with whoever they fall in love with? Do they want their offsprings to be more white? Are these Asian women “selling out” to the white man? Are they ashamed or embarrassed or just don’t give a shit about their cultural, ethnic, and racial background and values? What’s up? Why the difference in thinking between Asian women and men? Do Asian women feel they can get along better with white men?

Marie Claire Trophy Wife Article causes lots of rage in women

new trophy wife : Asian women marie claire

Angry Asian Women respond!

Have you seen this article?  It’s called The New Trophy Wives: Asian Women, published in Marie Claire magazine by none other than an Asian writer, Ying Chu.  It has outraged lots of defensive Asian women because the author proclaims that many white men have a fetish for Asian women, and that Asian women are trying to marry up.  Wow.  I’m stunned she said that, but I do find it quite entertaining just because it is generating so much readership.  It probably has more comments than any article on their website…ever.

A friend of mine, who happens to be Asian American, posted this on Facebook and it spawned even more comments!  She loathed being the object of a fetish, and thought it was creepy. I know that this is a form of racism, but I find it a bit petty because some Asian women benefit from it, and even play along with it.  Sure this fetish probably attracts some really clueless morons, but I’m sure there are a few nice white guys who have always had a bit of curiosity towards Asian women and culture.   Maybe he got it from watching Karate Kid II. Anyways, boy meets girl due to fetish, boy and girl actually fall in love, and they happily live every after.  Even if the guy’s original intentions were a bit shady, maybe in the end he matures and sees princess from the East for who she is, no?  I know TONS of white guys who have married Japanese wives.  Why? Why go through all the trouble of going to Japan, learning a very difficult language, and hooking up with an Asian girl?  Why not just marry Mary Anne from the back hills?  Because some people just like something different.  Most people may love their iPods, but there are a few renegades who love their Zunes. Continue reading

Euna and Laura: What the hell was you thinkin’? Don’t you owe everyone an apology?

Euna and Laura: Troublemaking Reporters

Euna and Laura: Troublemaking Reporters

So, I read an article saying that Laura Ling, one of the reporters who was imprisoned in North Korea, is going to write a book!  Great!  Way to take advantage of all the hype.


It seems that Ling and Euna think this is some sort of triumphant return, when in fact they should be embarrassed for causing all this trouble due to their stupid actions.

One thing I haven’t heard is a formal apology from the two reporters.  Don’t you think that would be appropriate?  I think so.  Why the hell were they in North Korea in the first place?  All the reports I have read do not seem to clarify this, other than that they were reporting.   But, they must’ve been aware that being in N. Korea is dangerous, no?  I’ve always had a bit of a disdain for reporters I must admit.  It’s a very heroic image to be in a dangerous place, reporting while bombs are blowing up around you.  Television romanticizes it all the time.  But, personally I think it’s silly to be risking your life for a silly story. Continue reading